Complete Guide Grilled Pizza

The Complete Guide to Grilled pizza

It 'a refrain familiar to us: making Napolitan pizza-like at home is impossible. Since the equipment of our apartments do not include wood-fired ovens with a circular otherwise known as "soil" where the temperature reaches 400 degrees, topped by domes made of refractory material (which does not disperse the heat), where the temperature exceeds 500 °, there just have to say goodbye to the soft and compact, the typical maculation under and along the edge, in other words, the pizza (like) Napolitan. This does not mean that the grid is by far the easiest way to convert a paste in a soft, airy and crispy pizza, well spotted. Even at home. Even without owning expensive ovens or cooking equipment geek.


As in the case of the barbecued chicken, even for the pizza I used a kettle grill, charcoal spherical in shape, namely the Rover 570 LH Outdoor chef distributed in Italy by Hot. In this grill, as in others, there is no temperature control knob, and since over the hot coals will reach up to 500 ° C, the mixture threatens to char in a flash. So that does not happen we have to choose the right time for cooking, and taking a step back, carefully prepare the grill. Let me show you something.

If we do that in this info graphic, by placing the coal on only one side of the brazier, we derive two areas of focus. The first, above the burning coals, we need to cook at high temperatures. The other area instead, a kind of ER (emergency room, okay, I see too much TV), the pizza is the one where we move in case of need, and we also need to complete the cooking.


After eons of evidence we've all developed our favorite mix: direct, prepared with the yeast, mix by hand or made with the hook because the gluten ... blah blah. Here, the pizza cooked on the barbecue using the recipe of your choice, is not the time to upset the balance achieved with difficulty. We have other things to think about.


Please note, the pizza does not mean macular charred, see how to do step by step.

STEP # 1: BUBBLES / bubbling

A few seconds after having laid the dough on the grill of the bubbles begin to form. It 'time to lift the flaps to
check for doneness. Move the batter into the fire zone colder without disconnecting from the grid too.

STEP # 2: HOLES BUBBLES / Flipping

Bubbles holes to let out the steam, and using the classic barbecue tongs revolt the dough to bake the other side. Thanks to the dry heat of the grill cooking was exemplary: mixing polished, dried and perfumed.


I suggest a couple of sauces that take advantage of the resistance to the weight of the dough.

Pizza Ceres

Tomato, mozzarella, smoked cheese, grilled eggplant, roasted peppers in the ash, chili oil, chili flakes, crispy
celery, green olives in brine.Once seasoned the mixture, kept always in the fire zone colder, I closed the lid of the kettle, waiting for the ingredients were very hot and melted cheese. With the amount of coal that you saw in the photos, some hardwood lump charcoal 2 kg, inside the cooking chamber have reached 300 ° C in less than a minute.When cooked, I completed with a dash of extra virgin Sicilian, celery leaves chopped and whole leaves of basil black. The aroma was superb, but we examine the pizza point by point.

The mixture was compact but fragrant, clear from the edge, well spotted. The ingredients, though many, were distinguished perfectly, in fact, hard not to be satisfied. I'm going to write something that will appeal to fans of the pizza but I hope no one take it. After all, cooking in the oven remains unsurpassed, and this is not a challenge. However, there will ever move the dressing of a pizza with a knife, even a pizza Napolitan pizza to adequate living within us. Well, do not tell me that the kind of quagmire that is formed under the condiment, it is a godsend. Indeed, looking more than once I questioned: "I eat or not"? But as we know, a good pizza cannot be in the pot. Here, the grilling does not form any kind of wetlands in the pizza, and realizes the miracle of a small slice, held only by the board, remains perfectly horizontal. There are other advantages, and not recently. The crust under the sauce we also said, adding the scent of wood-burning oven because of the high temperatures of cooking and the advantage of both sides of the dough.

Pizza Artemis

As the guests took advantage of Ceres, I placed another on the grill and pizza at the time of the topping, it was the turn of Artemis. Tomato, mozzarella, grilled onions and potato discs, strips of crispy bacon and the glorious and almost impossible to find Robiola Roccaverano a small producer.

When cooked, I add some fresh herbs and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. So chopped parsley, chives and a good sprinkling of black pepper, freshly ground. Even in this case the dough was crisp and very digestible. An ideal base for the sauce.


Put it this way, not discussing the cooking in the oven, some of you, also taking advantage of the season, have plans to try the BBQ pizza? I highly recommend this!!!